Peter Cox
Geophysics Director
A University of Leicester field trip to Scotland was “unfortunately” cancelled in 2000 for Peter (or “Pete” as we call him behind his back) and the rest of the Geophysics undergraduates, so they planned a last-minute trip to map the local geology of a region in sunny southern Spain instead.
Fortunes rebalanced after university as Pete spent his early career on desolate contaminated land sites for Stats Ltd (now RSK), digging holes, logging soils and generally getting covered in - slightly sandy - mud. Yes, he was a Geoenvironmental Engineer. Everyone knows what one of those is, right?
Determined to better utilise his degree, Pete helped establish the company’s new geophysics group based in St Albans, deploying all manner of non-intrusive geophysical techniques to near surface environmental and engineering challenges. This proved a great move enabling Pete to focus on his core passion... making wiggles look good.
In 2006, Pete began his journey in seismic data processing and joined TGS in Bedford where he spent a couple of years developing his skills on narrowband (“ghosted”) data before the broadband revolution struck. Pete recalls this as an eye-opening moment in realising how much valuable information could be extracted from seismic data through good application of new technology. This was his catalyst for moving to the next level.
In 2012 Pete was seconded to TGS’ Perth office, where he impressed his international colleagues in helping to build a local imaging department, before returning home to cement his reputation for processing prowess. Whenever there was a “processing head-to-head” (two people individually testing the best processing sequence on the same dataset), Pete would always come out on top. Being competitive helped.
Pete joined his fellow Directors in April 2020 to co-found RockWave, just as the Covid-19 pandemic took hold and forced people to work from home in the “new normal”. The initially unfortunate timing actually helped, as potential customers were more readily available and willing to listen to a new company pitch, not to mention being dazzled by examples of "Pete’s Processing Prowess".