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Legacy Seismic Reprocessing

Maximise the information available from existing seismic datasets.

A rule of thumb for seismic reprocessing is that if any seismic dataset was processed more than 5 years ago, it will benefit from reprocessing that incorporates the developments in time processing and depth imaging algorithms over that period.

Unlocking the value of legacy seismic data can offer a cost-effective and impactful alternative to new data acquisition, especially when armed with modern reprocessing techniques.

  1. Cost Savings: Reprocessing existing data avoids the high costs associated with acquiring new datasets, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious projects.

  2. Enhanced Data Quality: Modern algorithms and workflows can extract previously hidden details, providing insights that were unavailable during the original processing. This is especially valuable for improving shallow imaging and overburden analysis, critical for applications such as carbon storage and offshore wind development.

  3. Accelerated Decision-Making: Legacy data can provide quick insights into subsurface conditions, helping streamline project timelines. For example, RockWave’s work with ScotWind applications enabled early-stage understanding of shallow geology, aiding in foundation design and geohazard identification.

  4. Environmental and Strategic Value: By repurposing existing data, companies can reduce environmental impact and optimize resources. In projects like carbon storage, reprocessed data enhances risk assessments and regulatory compliance.

  5. Proven Success: From refining drilling locations for ONE-Dyas to aiding nuclear waste site evaluations, RockWave reprocessed legacy data has demonstrated its utility across diverse industries.

Reprocessing legacy data isn’t just about saving money—it’s about maximising the untapped potential of existing datasets. We specialise in transforming overlooked seismic data into invaluable project assets. Ready to uncover the treasures in your legacy data? Contact us today.

Related services: UHRS Reprocessing; Depth Imaging; FWI

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